This Chocolate Protein Cake with a Casein and Yogurt Protein Frosting is really easy fun to make, and even more fun to eat! It’s also packed full of healthy ingredients and protein.
2 small cooked beetroots
3/4 cup chocolate vegan protein powder
3/4 cup liquid egg whites
1 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup applesauce
1 teaspoon baking powder
1. Blended and baked for ~1 hour at 180 C (356 F) in a rectangular brownie pan (stab it and remove it from the oven when your knife comes out clean, it might be a bit over or a bit under 1 hour)
2. When the cake is done, cut three circles out of it using a cake ring. Let it cool and, then make the frosting by mixing 1/2 cup of unflavoured casein + half a tablespoon of stevia + 1 tablespoon of vanilla essence + one small pot of 0% Greek yogurt (170g).
3. Yeah, that is it for the frosting! Mix this all together with a spoon and stuff it into a sandwich bag with a pipping nozzle sticking out of the end.
4. Then, add some frosting between the layers and then some on top the cake and around it until BOOM: done: fully dressed!
Now, you CAN eat it right away BUT it’s actually a lot nicer if you let it sit in the fridge for a couple of hours. Why? Because the frosting kind of sets and the whole thing just comes alive beautifully.
Macros per Serving: N/A
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