Have you ever made homemade almond milk? It’s really not that hard! And it tastes delicious too. You can also flavour it to your liking!
1/2 cup almonds (you can used blanched or unblanched, it doesn’t matter TOO much)
1 cup water to soak the almonds in
2-4 cups water to make the milk 1 teaspoon honey (or agave or date syrup or well, your sweetener of choice – IF, of course, you like it sweet) 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1. Soak your almonds in a cup of water for a couple of hours or, better yet, overnight.
2. Discard the water and add the almonds to a food processor along with the 2-4* cups of water and your flavoring of choice (it could be vanilla essence, maple extract, hazelnut extract, coconut flavoring, etc). *Note: If you use 2 cups of water it’ll be pretty rich whereas if you add 4 it will be more diluted.
3. Blend or process your almonds with the water until a relatively smooth liquid is formed. It’ll look milky white.
4. Strain the milky white mix over a bowl or cup. Do not discard the pulp. Below I tell you how to use it to make some low-carb protein pancakes!
5. That’s it: almond milk – your very own! To make Low-Carb Protein Pancakes using the almond pulp, all you do is blend the pulp with some eggs and whey protein! E.g. for the above, you can use 2-3 whole eggs and 1/2 to 1/4 cup of whey. Simply mix it, fry it on a nonstick pan and… PRESTO! Low-Carb Protein Pancakes. The almond pulp here works as a flour. It’s kind of like almond flour in fact but, because it’s soaked so much of the almonds’ water, it lends a lot of moisture to the pancakes. You can also throw in a banana to add volume to the pancakes or 1/2 cooked sweet potato too.
Whey Protein 360
Whey Protein 80
Pea Protein Powder