Welcome to this recipe for Poppy Seed Protein Muffins!
Why poppy seeds you may be asking? Well, poppy seeds are GREAT for you – they’re packed full of nutrients and antioxidants, rich in healthy fats and recent research has shown that they may even benefit digestion.
Take these and pop them in a protein packed muffin? You’ve got yourself a seriously nutritious and delicious snack!
Lets get into the recipe:
1/2 cup oats (or 3/8 cup of rolled oats + 1/8 cup of whey protein for an added protein boost)
1/4 cup pea protein powder
1 ripe banana
3/4 cup liquid egg whites
1 tablespoon poppy seeds
1/2 cup cartoned coconut milk (or almond milk)
2 tablespoons coconut flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon lemon zest
Texture wise, these muffins are amazing, pretty much perfect. They are soft, really light and perfectly cakey, just like a muffin should be. The poppy seeds add a lovely crunch to them too and with the lemon, they are delicious. Pecans would also work especially well in this recipe.
Macros per one muffin (out of 6):
13.4g protein
14g carbohydrates (4.8g sugars)
3g fat
3.8g fibre
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