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How To Reignite Your Motivation

How To Reignite Your Motivation

How often have you started a new training programme, decided to quit that bad habit or take up learning a new skill?
At the start, you’re bursting with enthusiasm and motivated to make a positive change to your life.
Then, after only a few weeks at most, you’ve fallen back into your old routine and find your goals, that once lit a fire of excitement inside you, have fallen by the way side and been put on the back burner, waiting for motivation to strike once again.
How does Motivation work?
Motivation is the driving force of action, to help us achieve a goal.
Motivation can be intrinsic – meaning that inspiration to carry out a task or achieve a goal comes from within ourselves because it is personally rewarding and satisfying.
Or it can extrinsic- meaning that you engage in a task to either earn a reward, such as money, or to avoid punishment, such as getting fired.  (1)
Both of these type of motivation can be beneficial in helping you stay focused on a goal and can even co-exist together.
However, it has been found that being intrinsically motivated will be more effective in the long term, with extrinsic motivation best utilised for completing tasks that you are not particularly interested in.
Regardless of the type, motivation can be a fleeting emotion, sometimes feeling like It disappears almost as soon as you find it.
So, how can we reignite our motivation, keeping us on track and persistently chasing our goals.
4 Ways To Reignite Your Motivation 
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, getting that spark of enthusiasm seems like an impossible task, regardless if it’s internal or external, but there are a number of ways that can help us reignite the fire, and importantly, keep it fuelled -motivational kindling, if you will.
  1. Surround Yourself With Inspiration
With life pulling us in every direction, and 101 different things needing our attention at all times, it can be easy to become overwhelmed and forget what inspired us to pursue a goal in the first place.
Inspiration can come in many forms, from putting up motivational quotes around the house, watching inspiring documentaries, or reading books on the topic of your goal, having a poster of your hero on the wall, or maybe something a lot more permanent such as a meaningful tattoo.
Choose which one works best for you and helps direct your thoughts back to your goal.
Above that, try and surround yourself with people, who themselves, are motivated and inspire you to be the best version of yourself. After all, we are the sum of the people we spend most of our time with.
  1. Set Small, Achievable Goals
When we set ourselves a big goal, it can sometimes become overwhelming, which can then lead to a lack in self-confidence and being trapped in a hole of procrastination.
By breaking your large goals down into smaller more manageable mini outcomes, you can help overcome those feelings and ensure you make progress.
With a marathon, the thought of running 26.2 miles may be daunting, so instead just focus on each individual training session and each mile, as they come. If you complete all your training sessions, and then just focus on one mile at a time, you’ll have completed a marathon before you know it.
Along the way, remember to always celebrate your small wins, to help build motivational momentum.
  1. Be In The Zone
It’s hard to stay motivated on a task when you can’t give it your full concentration.
Every day we are surrounded by distractions, teasing us away from what we need to do.
Luckily, we’ve got just the thing to help you stay in the zone and maximise your output with Endless Nootropics.
With its science backed ingredients, Endless allows you to unlock your true potential and benefit from the psychological edge needed to reach the highest level of mental performance and work output.
Taking just a single scoop, will get you zoned in, feeling motivated and ready to tackle any task that is in your way, which brings us on to our last point…
  1. Don’t Wait For Motivation To Find You
Sometimes, we just have to suck it up and get on with things.
The good news however?  It’s often the case that motivation comes along after we’ve started a task.
Motivation is often a by-product of action, not the cause of it.
It’s also the case, that the more of a task or goal is completed, the less motivation you need to see it through to the finish.
So, there’s never been a better time to start pursuing your goals than right this very moment.
  1. Reiss, S. (2012). Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation. Teaching of Psychology, 39(2)

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