So you’ve decided you might want to make your own high protein chocolate chocolate at home? Great! We’ve got just the recipe for you!
A quick google search will show an abundance of normal chocolate recipes, but there’s a real discrimination towards those who love white chocolate! If whey protein is so good for making dark protein chocolate, surely it’s going to work for white chocolate…
Well, we’ve got a recipe here that more than works:
100 g cocoa butter buttons
2 tsp liquid stevia drops
1/4 cup (24g) whey protein
Handful of chopped dried cranberries
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
1. In a pot, melt the cocoa butter with 2 tsp of stevia.
2. Then pour it into a food processor along with the whey protein powder.
3. Once everything is well-combined, pour the liquid into the chocolate moulds and add a handful of chopped dried cranberries (because white chocolate with cranberries is delicious!)
4. Leave it to set in the fridge overnight and the next day, voila! Two bars of beautiful white chocolate!!
There are four things you should learn from this recipe; four things that could potentially go wrong.
1. Using stevia instead of a sweetener like xylitol which would be 100% better suited for the job. Stevia can be really bitter, especially if you use a lot.
2. Let the cocoa butter cool enough before adding the whey. This could make it slightly curdle when it comes into contact with the boiling cocoa butter. A rookie mistake, don’t fall for this.
3. Add vanilla beans or vanilla paste which most white chocolate has in order to mask the overly cocoa buttery-ness of the chocolate.
4. Use ‘deodorised cocoa butter’ instead of regular cocoa butter in order to avoid the overly body-balmy smell of the final product.
To sum up, you should absolutely should make sugar-free protein white chocolate. Sugar-free white protein chocolate is a wonderful idea because it makes sense! Particularly if you use a creamy whey protein powder which basically acts as a high-protein version of the milk that’s inside most white chocolates.
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