Well, what goes well with coffee? Chocolate. And what form is chocolate good in? Cake.. All this recipe involves is adding some milk into a espresso (turning it thus into a latte), a bunch of eggs, some chocolate vegan protein powder, a tablespoon and a half of cocoa and then into the oven. What comes is six little rectangular brownie-like cake-things. Then from this you can turn this into a cake by layering them up with vanilla casein and pumpkin..
Here’s the recipe:
1.5 shot espresso
1/3 cup milk (I used coconut milk)
1 + 1/2 tablespoons cocoa
1/4 cup chocolate vegan protein powder
3/8 cup egg whites
1/4 cup vanilla casein (for filling)
1/4 cup pumpkin puree (for filling)
First five ingredients mixed together and bake at 170 C (338 F) for about 20-25 minutes.
Super moist (as you can tell from the pics); almost like a cakey pudding? + oh so chocolatey and it went so so nicely with the vanilla pumpkin layering. Moral of the story? Never throw away coffee when you can cake it.
Macros (per 6 mini choco cakes, two eaten solo, the rest layered with casein + pumpkin):
46g protein
18g carbs (7g sugars)
10g fat (2.7g sugars)
11g fibre
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