Check out this recipe for Super Protein Banana Bread Muffins with an Almond Butter Sidekick!
16g hulled hemp seeds
138g egg whites
16g vegan protein powder
2g psyllium husks
116g banana
40g pea protein
10g coconut flour
5g vanilla flavouring powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 tablespoon cinnamon
ground cloves
111g grated zucchini
1. Mix/blend all the ingredients but the zucchini.
2. When it’s all nice and blended, add 111g of grated zucchini (aka courgette) and mix that in with a spoon.
2. Bake them for approximately 30 minutes at 180 C (356 F) in the oven. The muffins should be super moist, delicious, and topped with almond butter!
Macros per serving (out of 5):
8.4g carbohydrates (3.3g sugars/2g fibre)
14g protein
2.2g fat
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Hi Anna,
what do you think is the most important part that the muffins, bread whatever are moisty? When I add to much Egg whites it turns in a very flexible but try dough.
Any hints for me?
Hi Chris,
Well, zucchinis were crucial here for the moistness factor… whey protein makes them rubbery in a strange way…. the fact that they’re flourless also contributes to the moistness of course. You could use applesauce as well in there for even MORE moistness? 🙂
Hey Anna!
These were PHENOMENAL! This is actually the first recipe I tried of yours, but totally not the last. Maybe I will do a Julie and Julia redo and make ALL of your recipes! Sounds fun to me 🙂 I loved loved loved these! Most crazy part, yesterday I was craving banana something – a bread, muffin, ANYTHING and then you posted these! Good job girl 🙂 they were spot on! Making more right now as we speak 🙂
Meghan (megzydoll on Twitter :))