From the Archive of our old Forum Yazmin Asked:
“Hi guys
I just wanted a bit of advice please. I’ve just stared slimming world and the extra easy programme. I can eat all veg, pulses and lean meats and fat free products as well as rice, pasta and potatoes.
I previously use to weight train however I’m a little concerned of doing weights whilst on this diet as it will impact on the scales going up (I think).
Or if any of you know of people that have followed both successfully that would be great to hear how. I want to burnt fat but also have a bit of muscle definition.
Wanted to buy some protein but not sure what is best to get.
Thank you
MRPROVIS – Responded:
“Hi Yazmin. Good question!
A few comments that I hope will be helpful:
1. Whilst I have a lot of respect for the efforts and intentions of Slimming World, and much of their practice, the fact that they advocate low-fat everything goes against all good health science. For that reason, I’d follow their plan, but ignore all the “fat-free”, “low-fat”, “reduced fat”, “low/no cal spray” type words and use the real equivalent of the ingredients suggested. Fat does not make you fat. Only excessive calories and poor activity levels will make you fat.
I have had a lot of (older) clients in recent years who have come to me from low-fat diets and their blood work is usually not great, their hormones aren’t in the ideal range for their age, their joint health is not great, and they have very poor muscle tone. After switching to a more isocaloric diet, they have INVARIABLY seen improvements in these health markers and are able to reduce fat whilst maintaining good muscle tone.
HOWEVER, this is just advice and you may well PREFER a low-lipid diet and I shan’t tell you it is a bad idea. It is entirely up to you. I just suggest this as a way of improving an already good diet for fat loss.
2. Weight training is pretty much the best exercise you can do whilst looking to burn fat and keep “muscle definition”, as you mentioned.
Firstly, it will help put you in a positive hormonal state for leanness, whilst high impact exercise like jogging has the opposite effect, despite being good for aerobic fitness.
Secondly, the weight will only go up on the scale from weight training if you give your muscles enough fuel to grow… and if you are eating in a caloric DEFICIT (i.e. taking in fewer calories than you need to maintain your weight), then your scale-weight won’t go up.
Finally, the weight increasing on the scales, when it is MUSCLE, is a good thing (the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, the leaner you look, etc.). Unless you’re competing in a weight-tested competition like boxing etc., then what weight you are means nothing. If you’re focusing on how you look as your goal, don’t track your results on weighing scales; instead, track how you look in the mirror and how your clothes feel, checking your weight only every now and then.
If you want to LOOK good, numbers mean literally nothing. According to my BMI, I am clinically obese… just an example.
3. As far as a recommended protein supplement goes, I’d suggest TheProteinWorks Whey Protein ISOLATE, and I would advise that you take it after your weight-training workouts.
If you’d like any more advice on training/nutrition/supplements, do go ahead and reply on this thread.
Good luck!
-L “
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