Training Fat Burning: Fasted State Cardio Cardiovascular exercise (Cardio) refers to any exercise that raises your heart rate. Cardiovascular training is crucial for all sports and is an extre...
Health & WellbeingTraining A Better Posture For A Better Workout We all know that a poor posture is bad for your health and bad your workouts. But why? Poor posture can cause pain, stiffness, aching, excessive weigh...
SupplementsTraining When To Take A Muscle Shake Consuming a muscle shake after intense physical exercise can aid both recovery and future performance. The timing of when to consume a muscle shake ho...
Training Upper Pecs – Am I Doing It Right? For years it has been standard bodybuilding/fitness dogma that the higher you raise the incline the more upper chest muscle fibre recruitment you can...
Training How To Train For A Marathon In the past 6 years I’ve helped some fantastic athletes to improve their Marathon times quite dramatically. The record to date was a 27 year old...
Training Cardio Before Or After Weight Training? Cardiovascular exercise (cardio) refers to any exercise that raises your heart rate. This type of physical activity is essential for overall health an...
Training High Intensity Weight Training Other than genetics, the most important thing that will influence training results is intensity. Nutrition is vitally important, but unless you are ...
Training Delayed Onset Of Muscle Soreness Explained Delayed onset muscle soreness is often referred to as DOMS. The dreaded DOMS is the pain caused after training due to muscle tissue damage. It primari...
Citrulline MalateSupplementsTraining Citrulline Malate To Improve Endurance Citrulline Malate combines the organic salt Malate with the amino acid Citrulline. Research has shown that Citrulline Malate improves performance, ...
Health & WellbeingTraining Hitting The Wall: Physiology And Psychology During A Marathon Whether you have experienced it yourself or you have gleefully skipped past those battling it, most people who have completed a marathon in their li...