If you’ve never tried ABC nut butter, give it a shot! It’s really simple: just a combination of almonds (A), brazil nuts (B) and cashew nuts (C)! You can also add a bit of coconut oil too, and a sprinkle of sea salt – to ramp up the nuts’ flavours. ABC nut butter tastes very creamy – like cashew butter, but it’s more flavoursome. Give it a shot and you’ll see what we mean. It really is very easy to make! All you need is:
70 grams almonds
80 grams cashews
50 grams Brazil nuts
1 tsp coconut oil
Pinch of sea salt
To make: roast your nuts under the grill until they brown (but keep an eye on them because they brown really quickly and you don’t want to burn them! You just want the nuts to ‘sweat’, that’s why you’re roasting them because, when they sweat, they release a bunch of their oils which makes the creation of butter a lot easier. They’re also tastier roasted too!
All you do is then stick them all in a food processor (with the coconut oil and sea salt) and grind until you get a smooth butter. It might take a while – don’t get disheartened if after a minute all you have are ground nuts! It takes a while to truly combine them.
The proportion of nuts is really up to you – depends on which of the three nuts you like best! The following ratio we’ve used here works quite well: 70g almonds, 50g brazil nuts, 80g cashews. Together, that = 200g which fills up a small jar.
Macro wise, this whole jar (including the 5g of coconut oil) comes down to: 1268kcals, 37g protein, 113g fat and 29g carbs.
You may think WOW! 1268 calories! Yes. BUT. A tbsp of nut butter is 16g, usually. So, a tbsp of ABC nut butter = 101.44kcals, 3g protein, 9g fat, 2g carbs. Not too bad if you consider it in the context of what it gives you (zinc, selenium, magnesium, iron, unsaturated fats) and what you can couple it with.
Please note: if you can’t eat, or don’t like, nuts you can try this with seeds! Sunflower seed butter is beautiful as is pumpkin seed butter or even a combination of the two!
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